Love, Joy, Peace...

We are disciples of Jesus Christ united together in love, purpose, and service.

We genuinely LIKE each other and enjoy one another's company!

We affiliate with the Southern Baptist Convention because we like the way they support missionaries, churches, communities, and ministers. SBC volunteers are usually the first to arrive to communities devastated by disaster - providing food, financial support, rebuilding supplies and labor - and often the last to leave.

We have been in this community for 70 years and counting!

We are people profoundly aware of how our sins fracture our relationship to our Creator.

We have received and celebrate the mercy, love, and grace of God poured out on all humanity through God's Son, Jesus Christ.

We have been - and continue to be - transformed by the Divine power of God's Holy Scriptures - the Bible.

We love all people and want them to know the inexpressible joy of having sins forgiven by God. Thus, we resist culture's attempts to minimize or redefine what the Bible calls sin. God's perfect love is in harmony with His holiness. Instead of overlooking sin, He punished sin in His own Son on the Cross - who willfully and lovingly offered Himself in our place - not that we could go on sinning, but so we could be redeemed from sin and restored to the God who loves us and created us for glory.

We want all people to experience the FREEDOM from the bonds of sin powerfully granted to all who repent and are regenerated by the Holy Spirit.

We are a church on the rise! God has blessed us richly and we hope you will consider joining us on mission. These are exciting times at EBBC!

We hold to and affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (click link to read in full) The Baptist Faith and Message (